It changes sharply
You rise you head
In the night
And unexpectedly it is full
It is big, it is bright, it is like the sun
But next moment
It is fade, so fast
So permanent
It is same as years ago
When you are naive
When you are pure
When you can dream
The power of the reason
Is to grow but stay
Stay forever beauty
Whatever burden time brings
The joy of nowhere
The joy of new
The joy of unexpected
15 August 2022
Distance divides us
Imagination unites us
Individuality lets us exist
Feelings let us enjoy
We perceive static photos
Static means lines
Static lines imprint
Forever in our mind
When we cannot touch
Only thing remains
Is to create image
And think it
This way we can
Leave only what we want
We can create ideal
We can enjoy perfection
7 May 2021 Morning
Soft smile he gives
Blond hair falls back
Agile body moves fast
Strong stem inside
Flames play
Wind flows
Leaves wave
My love dances
His body is light
Like a ray
His moves are graceful
Like a king
per D.
27 Feb 2021
Red fire burns my brain
Dark thoughts invade my mind
Sharp lines of the body mirrors
Gentle motions drive me crazy
My eyes perceive not person
My eyes absorb images
My eyes devour muscles
My eyes swallow colors
I want to satisfy my jelous
I want to owe another
I have a hunger and a thirst
I cannot slake myself
From the shadow of the lust
The soft and sparkling light
The rays of love arise
The flash is soothing
True love is reason
The reason guides emotions
Reasonable joy of love is ability
To contemplate the emotions
24 Feb 2021
Existence needs a reason
Life with only reason is boring
Life with only emotions is foolish
The reason is grey
Emotions are colorful
Maybe love is balance
Lust itself is vulgar
Love without lust is senseless
30 Jan 2021
Calmness is filling me
Green meadow
White cloud in blue sky
The sun is shining
I feel the rays on my skin
I feel the warm
It fills my mind
I feel it in my body
Soft waves are spreading
You image is melting
I cannot separate
Where you are, where I am
The river is flowing
The water is splattering
Your voice is in my head
Like birds is singing
6 Nov 2020
My heart are beating fast
My mind filled with your features
Your sight, your hand
Your motion, your smile
Sometimes I feel fire
Sometimes I feel cold
If it was only fire
I would be dead
I cannot stop to think
To think of love
My love
I feel like blooming
Your image is in my thoughts
I want it stronger
I want it clear
I want to lost myself
But your cold keep me
Keep me safe of burning out
And give a chance
To feel this fire
11 Oct 2019
I was cold
I was tapped
I was watching, but
I didn’t feel
I was bored
You was yang
I was serious
You was careless
It was funny
It was good
Sun and sea
A little dog make me joy, but
You kissed me
This moment changed a lot
Like everything before
Was just faded
You put a fire
You got me back
I feel love
I feel alive
You touch me
I feel your wish
You like my thoughts
You like my body
I thought it is normal
To cut what you don’t like
But you showed me different thing
You just accepted me as I was
7 Oct 2019
Winter goes away
Green wave comes
New colors raise
A variety of smells
Everyday routine
Mostly prevents us
From contemplating
Such beauty
But it is choice to
Mention and contemplate it
It is reason who
Allows us to enjoy
Rare human can share
And keep those vivid vibes
Keeps colors even in desert
Feels music, feels smell
If you meet such human being
Appreciate it,
Enjoy ability to share feeling
Without logical explanation
6 May 2021
Wide open eyes
Looking from the bottom to the top
Eyebrows drawn together
Face expression is scared
Body language
Eye contact
Play the game
The submission
Fire slowly starts
Passion arouses
Blood is flowing
The heat spreads
Sensitivity is sharpening
Look from the top
Steady inhale
Wild exhale
Strong hands
Violent hold
Flesh needs suppression
It needs someone
To limit it
10 May 2021
He was standing His gaze was down His pose was shy His mind was full of fantasies Images played in his mind With each other Getting up from the bottom Of his unsonscious All that was hidden from other But illuminated inside By grey light so bright That he felt his brain burned 29 May 2021
The time drives you
Even strongest pain
And in the rest
Just memory, just wounds
And we decide
When we are free again
No pain anymore
Just memory
Past can bound
But we can use it
We can learn from the past
We can build new
On this base
We can blossom
It is our choice
What to do with memory
Throw it away, keep it
Hold it or enjoy it
The time never goes back
It has only one direction
Go forward, embrace it
Enjoy it
19 Jun 2021
You never know
In advance
How your action
Affects another
You are just lazy
Don’t want to move
Don’t want to change
Act as you get used
You can’t put yourself
In place of another
It is an easy way
You cause pain
You leave deep
Inside marks
Source of pain
19 Jun 2021
Your dark eyes
Direct on me
You black hair
Soft smile
You feel adventure
It lives inside the place
You see the joy
It radiates everywhere
You move cautious your hand
You touch my finger
Tender and sweet smile
You show your intention
My palm on yours
I feel your warm
I want more
I touch your body
I kiss you
I taste berries
I feel your passion
I want to slow down
I want to freeze the moment
I feel you bristle
I want to delve into
Flow takes me
Fast forward time
Hours passed
Hours squashed
Into one moment
We are talking again
I see this moment
In your eyes
In your sight
11 Feb 2022
I feel fire in my head
My brain smells it
As drugaddict
Cheesing it, wishing it
It is not just fire
It is not cold fire
It is neutral
Like light from silver moon
Brain produces chems
It is only matter
They turn an instinct into fairy tale
Tale that we can play
I am addicted to the fire
It is rare I found it
It is never last forever
It is never last long
Once I found the fire first time
It burnt me out
But it filled me with pleasure
It hurt me
Second time
It changed my life
Third time
It changed everything again
It is like a bullet
It hits you
And you start to think
With reason
I decided not anymore
But I want to enjoy it
My reason is in control
And brain lets it be
More you think
More you water the fire
It burns with joy
You feel it
10 May 2023
Berlin, J.
Death is rising.
Its beauty,
Its sword of fairness,
Of meaning.
It’s deep as ocean,
Of Infinite memory,
In the shadows,
Of the magic forest.
It shows truth:
What is meaningful,
What is perishable,
What is temporal.
Comprehending eternity
Is possible only
Through finiteness
Of existence.
20 July 2024 Berlin
The Time is frozen
And no one can talk
And no one can move
Man can stay and feel joy
Free man is born
A child doesn’t count
Forever chained man feel
School teaches to count
We can stop count
Mind only one thing
We can fully control
Only man has power
Society tries to intervene
With colorful pieces of shit
With attractive ideas
But a man needs only one thing
Man needs realize
Only he has power inside
Inside he can do everything
Just freeze time
3 Jan 2019
It is harsh world
We play with each other
We harm each over
Without any reason
One time for fun
Another time for interest
There are no rules
There are no limits
The merciless fight
We think
We can incline
We can change
But nothing comes without
Price is paid
We spend ourselfs
For nothing
To get back feeling
We are alive
We can change
The space around
6 Jun 2021
The smell of the blood
You can feel
I can feel
It is coming
We don’t want to believe
It is true
It is real
We are scared
The ghost of the past
Red and bloody
Violent as hungry tiger
Has come to our present
We feel darkness
In this sunny day
The sun is radiating
With cold heat
24 Feb 2022
Today is existing
Tomorrow might be
But no one knows
How many tomorrow will be
I can recall this city
I remember early spring
When snow is on the ground
But sun is melting it
And at same moment
Everything is green
Everything is blossoming
And birds are singing
Live itself walks on streets
Streets of heroic city Kiev
Empty now and dark
Shined with fire and explosions
Humans lives end
Suffering spreads
Nothing can stop
This senseless violence
People I know there
Brothers and sisters
Are everywhere
1 Mar 2022
Красный дракон вздымает
Украдкой смотрит
Глаз чернявый
Ресницы длинные
Дыхание забвения
Вырывается, цепляется
Хочет быть
Хочет оставаться
Ветер веет перемен
Время течет неотвратимо
Все меняется
Память остается, напоминает
Грубая сила прошлого
В хрупком настоящем
Мы все связаны
Мы все едины
Ударили чужого, ощутил ты
Капля крови за тысячи километров
Ощущается как своя
Чувствуется, переживается
11 Апрель 2021 ЦДХ
Падает рука
Последняя капля
Энергии уходит
Покидает тело
Слабый вздох
Последний поток
Внезапно уникальный
Сладкий и сочный
Слабое движение
Осознание его
Конечности бытия
Момента красота
Мир на перемотке
Внезапно останавливается
Созерцание момента
Ценой последнего вздоха
7 Марта 2021
Очередной бесконечный
Виток спирали
Бытия вечного
Бытия конечного
Тень смерти
Стоит и лыбится
Из угла таращится
Ребенок смущается
Время встало
Мягкая улыбка
Жёсткая ухмылка
Карлик надрывается
Краски жизни
Смотрят лукаво
Играют в прятки
6 Ноября 2019
Nelle mente voli
Nelle mente cadi
Muscoli tesi
Sangue pulsa
Camino stretto
Delle mente chiaro
Perso in selva
Di gioia
Combatto per controllo
Gioco sonno
Gioco inconsio
La realta si fa da parte
18 Giugnio 2024 Palermo
L'ombra del tempo
Torna al suo posto
In ciclo va fuori
E torna di nuovo
Il tempo non si sposta
Si sposta l'idea
L'idea nasce nella testa
La testa fisica
Tutte volte
La gente cerca
Come prenderlo
Ma non sa cos'è
La gente vive per averlo
Ma non è possibile
Possibile solo pensarlo
Possibile é solo andare
14 Decembre 2022 Roma
Il posto più bello
Un po' vuoto senza te
La bellezza vera
Non é piena senza te
Può sentire più forte
Quando resterò da solo
Che mi siento male
Mi siento vuoto senza
11 Ottobre 2022 Milano - Como
É una cosa rara e stupenda
Quando riusciamo vederla
Abbiamo un momento per pensare,
Alla notte scura, come una stella
Se concentrarsi bene
Se guardare calmo
Silenziare le emozioni
La comprensione della vita va
Ti tocca rapido
Il pensiero vago
Se non lo catturi
Lo perdi
Come la bellezza vera
La conoscenza sincera
É una cosa difficile
Da realizzare, da avere
21 September 2022
Tutto ha un inizio e una fine
L'inizio è casuale
La fine é inevitabile
La nostra vita una strada
La strada é lunga
La seguiamo
I fili si intersecano
I fili si intrecciano
Il tempo batte il ritmo
I legami si rompono
La vita continua
Il passato rimane
I profili del passato si animano
Le ombre richiamano i colori
La onda del calore dall'interno
Ritorna il piacere nella memoria
Ed ecco un nuovo giro
Della spirale dell'infinito
19 Feb 2022 Berlino